The Preggo Lyfe

I feel like I’m finally ok to start talking about being pregnant now that I’m close to not being pregnant anymore. Weird? Maybe. I think it stems from the fact that I’ve always thought pregnancy was gross (sorry – nothing against the miracle of life and all of that…..) and terrifying. I was right about bits and pieces; it can be gross (some stuff anyway) and all of it is terrifying. But what I’ve also learned is that I had NO idea how insane it would feel to reflect on the fact that my body took a clump of cells and turned it into a fully formed human being with intricate life support systems. I did that. Meanwhile I worked, worked out, maintained relationships, etc. Kind of unreal. Not that I plan on doing this ever again, but hey, at least I did once.

We are currently about four weeks and four days out from meeting our little guy. John Gerard; named after my father and Brian’s. He’ll be Jack for short most of the time; as it’s hard having had a father John, brother John (J, JJ) and cousin John (Johnny). Didn’t leave many options for a nick name – but I’ve always loved the idea of calling a baby Jack (Incredibles maybe) so here we are. His nursery is stocked, we have all the baby care items we need, everything is folded, clean and organized. So now we wait and enjoy a few more weeks of just the fur babies and us til we round out our little fam with 5.

Looking back on my preganncy journey as a whole, there are things I wish I would have done differently (or not done at all) and some I’m glad I did. Since I can’t go back in time, here’s a list for you should you find yourself in a similar situation:

  1. Read ALL the stuff. Don’t. Just read what you need to know from actual, medical sources and rely on your OB when you need help. I tried reading a book titled “The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy” and could not recommend it any less (linked so you never buy). It is worthless and SO awful. The anxiety I got from it alone was aggravating, along with the severely dated “advice”. It was written in the early 90’s, around the time heroine chic was aspirational and you can tell. SKIP.
  2. Get the 3D ultrasound. They’re actually really cool and I loved the sneak peek. Obviously this isn’t ideal if you don’t want to know the gender or if you have a high risk preganncy (they frown upon extra, unnecessary ultrasounds). But if you’re healthy and curious – it’s worth every cent.
  3. Don’t take everyone’s advice to heart. Just because it worked for them (even if “them” is your own mother) doesn’t mean it’ll work for you. YOU have to figure out what you’re going to do and how you’re going to be a parent. You do you.
  4. Reach out for help if you need it. Depression isn’t just a post partum thing – it can happen during any trimester so be easy on yourself and watch your moods and reach out for help if you need to. You’re already pregnant, don’t double down on the suffering.
  5. Don’t worry about your body so much. It’s healthy to worry a little bit, but at one point I was depressed and overly terrified I might (gasp) gain weight that I was thisclose to relying on unhealthy eating to help me stay “healthy”. Granted I have a sordid past with an almost deadly eating disorder, so this might not apply to everyone. But it’s hard to love yourself when everything you knew about your body is changing. Don’t sweat it as much – -do what you can, work out when you can and eat what you want within reason. If you gain a ton of weight, you’ll have plenty of time to lose it once baby is here. Focus on being truly healthy for yourself and your baby.
  6. Keep things private if that’s your thing. If you don’t want to share all the details of your preganncy, don’t feel like you need to. I have felt strongly about this since day one and have shared very little outside of my mom and husband. It’s still my body and what happens is still private to me. Just because I’m growing a baby, doesn’t give everyone free reign to know everything about me. Health or otherwise.
  7. Don’t download alllll the apps. Almost all are the same anyway so save that storage space. I’d recommend Hatch Babe for a weekly newsletter and the standard What to Expect.
  8. Don’t buy all maternity clothes. Most are ugly (sorry) and the rest are overpriced. Wait and see what fits and how you grow and then go from there. If I HAD to recommend three pieces of maternity wear to buy, I’d say get:
    • a good maternity legging in black. These can be used as a staple in fall/winter dressing or when working out (I love these from A Pea in the Pod).
    • good bras – maternity or not – you need to be comfortable
    • maternity shapewear (I love Skims Maternity undies. They hold me in and give my growing belly support while staying hidden under clothes).
  9. Take a babymoon, even if it’s a local one. Go on the dates. Enjoy all of the 1:1 time. It’s literally the last bit of time it’ll be just the two of you for a while, so bond and make some memories for later.
  10. Like advice, don’t think you have to listen to everything everyone has to say. While it’s polite to not totally walk away from someone mid convo, I’d totally back you up if you said you had to pee and did just that. I’ve had SO many people give me great advice during this journey, but then the other half who I’m pretty sure were just being assholes in telling me “you’ll never sleep again” or “you’re too small, you sure you’re due that soon” or “at least you’re having your first by 35, right” or my favorite “Oh you say you’re only having one, just wait”. No one wants you to jump on them for their life choices or the way their body looks, pregnant or not. So really, if you’re uncomfortable and over all that shit WALK AWAY. You’re growing a human, you’re tired and you have a lot of other MUCH more important things to do.

Pregnancy Relief

Now that I’m about to have a baby in my arms (T-Minus four weeks) I figured I’d talk about pregnancy and the things I found helpful during mine. Don’t worry; my approach is always “you do you” and “take it or leave” it. I’ll never have rude, unsolicited advice because we all know that’s NEVER helpful. If you’re pregnant or have been at some point in your life, you know what I mean.

Getting through 10 (give or take) months of pregnancy is NO joke. It’s hard. It’s scary. It’s uncomfortable. It’s just a lot. And everyone is so different that my experiences might not be yours and vice versa. It’s like a grab bag of crocs – you don’t want ANY of them but hope that what you do get are the least dreadful of the bunch. Sorry croc lovers…..I’ll never hop on board.

If you’re looking for some relief, hopefully some of the items I found useful you do too – – it takes a village (or something like that)!

I’ve used this lotion since the early days and it’s helped so much with restless legs. It’s organic and ships SO fast – plus they’ve started a baby line too! I have always wanted to try Daily Harvest and finally pulled the trigger. These are SO easy and delish. I know I’m getting organic nutrients baby and I need, plus they’ll continue being easy into the fourth trimester when I’m even more sleep deprived and hungry. Just grab some coconut water/almond milk to mix with and you’re set!

While I don’t wear this belly band ALL the time, when I do, it really helps lift him off of my pelvis and provides relief for walks/hikes or cardio days. It’s not cute and kind of crunchy (lots of Velcro) but the relief it gives me outweighs all of that. We all know to get a belly oil and use it. My saving grace has been Hatch Belly Oil. I have no stretch marks and have used this 1 – 2 times a day since second trimester. It absorbs fast, smells amazing and works.

So obviously check with your OB to make sure this is safe for you; but Unisom is the only thing that helps me sleep third trimester. My insomnia is on another level, coupled with never being comfortable and having general anxiety that’s worsened during pregnancy – I needed something. I’m not groggy in the morning and it works like a dream. I should also mention I NEVER take sleep aids when not pregnant; I prefer my CBD oil/gels (which is discouraged during preganncy and breastfeeding) so this was a jump out of desperation for me. and it worked.

I haven’t bloated or swollen up too bad (knock on wood) but when my legs/ankles are tired, I prop them on a pillow (slightly higher than heart level) for 20 minutes, then soak in warm Epsom saltwater, then I slather this lotion on and finally top with the included compression socks and all is well again. Yes, it’s a lot. But I assume it works since I have yet to bloat.

I “joke” and say that my skin is the most expensive thing I own, when in reality, it’s not a joke. Pregnancy is tough because there’s a lot you cannot use or do to your skin/body, etc. I’ve sworn by retinol for years and was so bummed to find out you really can’t use it while you’re expecting. Enter this Tula Retinol Alternative. I swear, it works better than my regular retinol and I plan on using it even when I’m not pregnant. It’s a natural alternative, so fewer chemicals (not that that’s ever stopped me, but if I can avoid a few here and there, why not) and you can use it day or night unlike retinol (retinol can increase sun damage risk so best to only use at night).

I did not like my pregnancy pillow. It was too much. Too big, too warm, not filled well, etc. So I opted for this nicely filled body pillow with a silky cover and it is a dream. It’s cooler at night to sleep with and moves around with you A LOT easier. Bonus points that it’ll be useful when I’m not pregnant and doesn’t look as bad on the bed (you know, the important things).

There are a million baby/pregnancy trackers out there – and I found this one way too late – but you don’t have to suffer like I did. This Hatch Babe newsletter/tracker is hands down the best. You get an email weekly tailored to where you are in your journey, along with a size chart that is hilarious (my favs: a Fendi fanny pack, a bag of Trader Joe’s cauliflower rice and a Laduree macaron). And the info they share is NOT terrifying or TMI, so it’s helped my anxiety so much.

Lastly, this bath fizz and sugar scrub from Target. It smells SO nice and helps me unwind and relax during bath time. The sugar cubes lather up nicely, while exfoliating, so total 2-in-1! Yes, I’ve taken many baths pregnant and my tip for this is to keep it warm NOT hot and set a time limit of about 15 minutes. I unfortunately don’t have a deep soaking tub (hint husband for next house) so my belly is above water level anyway, but even if you are lucky enough to have said tub, enjoy a soak. It helps mentally and physically SO much.

Staying at Home

In addition to having most of our home repainted and kitchen redone, we’ve upgraded and invested in some stuff for every day use. I’m a Cancer, and a natural homebody. I love nesting and making my home a true home that’s comfortable, safe and cozy. The last six or seven months have really given us time to be home, notice our surroundings and really choose to make the most out of a horrible situation.

I couldn’t be more excited or happy to purchase some of the items below. We did so over the span of several months; while some things are every day purchases, some are investment pieces that have really made a difference. Hopefully this helps you if you’re looking for small ways to upgrade your space during an uneasy time.

I am in love with these candles. Sun Suede is perfect for fall and just subtle enough to burn during work hours. I love Daybed for every other day of the year (smells just like fresh peonies). The scent on these is fantastic, as is the burn time. They are packaged wonderfully so they’re great gifts too!

We had an older down comforter and just needed a refresh. I did SO much research on this brand and several others before deciding to purchase. We went with Down Alternative due to allergies (mine and our 13 year old cat) and we’ve slept peacefully since. It’s a larger purchase, but so worth it when it’s used daily. 

West Elm Sheet Set

I usually watch for this sheet set to be on sale and buy them up when they are. They’re the perfect shade of grey for our room, are so soft and comfortable and wash up so well. Obviously I love investing in our sleep space and making bed something to look forward to! 

Always Pan 2.0

This comes in the mail this week, so I cannot speak to using it yet BUT if the reviews are correct it’s going to be life changing! We love cooking and what I love even more is finding things to use that are easy to clean and that last (my age is showing for sure). This pan replaces several in the kitchen and comes with a strainer, spoon and spoon rest. It’s dishwasher, oven safe and comes in different colors. 

Latte Bowl Set

These are our favorite bowls to use and are always in the dishwasher. We went to Anthro and mixed and matched our favorites (mine were pink – no surprise and B’s were blue) but you can also buy them online already in one of a few color sets. They’re microwave and dishwasher safe and are the perfect size for anything. 

Capri Blue Pumpkin Oil

Capri Blue scents last FOREVER and are so perfectly saturated. I hadn’t tried this scent prior to this year but I am no hooked. It smells like the perfect, sunny fall day whenever I have it going in my diffuser. Of course this comes in candles too so you can have a little pumpkin everywhere! 







Home Updates

It’s been a crazy year, and I have never spent so much time at home with B and the boys as I have this year. Homebody by nature (Cancer) so it wasn’t all terrible for me, especially after we decided to make some much needed improvements. We figured we’d be most likely looking at this space from the inside for the foreseeable future, so we might as well make it what we want and something we love.

We were going to replace the flooring on the first floor and do a wood throughout, but decided not to after we had the same level repainted and some drywall fixed (my allergies were almost unbearable with the dust, and since we’re working from home until God knows when – we choose not to put me thru that again). So floors in 2021! Or whenever I’m back at the office.

We started with finding painters (we have some high ceilings in the stairways and neither of us are good at painting) who also did drywall (holes in the wall from when B had roommates). We had the first floor walls and ceiling repainted and touched up (any settling/cracks, etc), the stairway upstairs, our master bath and the guest room. I did something very similar in color to what we had on the main floor, had our bathroom redone in bright white (replaced hardware with matte gold) and the guest room in a darker blue grey. While I hate the white tile flooring and wood trim throughout the house, the paint really helped clean it up and make it a little more modern with a vintage twist.

After we got the painting done, we were LOVE. It looked so fresh and clean and was an easy, quick update. The same contractor who did the drywall and paint also does kitchens so we inquired about that, priced it out, choose materials and got that done too. To say I was happy is an understatement. It’s not my dream kitchen – but I took what we have and made it a dreamy space I love being in.

We didn’t touch cabinetry as they’re solid and not an eyesore – but did add hardware (they didn’t’ have any……….the 90’s were a time). We had them rip out the old sink and counter and replace with a white quartz and undermount sink. We then used white glass tile for the backsplash with white grout. Very easy, but clean and timeless for when we go to sell. While I hate the white tile floor (always have, always will), the updates to the kitchen have made it so much more bearable. We both love cooking and being in the kitchen, and its a cozy space now upgraded to suit our lives while we are at home.

I grabbed a new tea pot (old one melted – had no idea that was a thing), a new runner and a few odds and ends to decorate the newly updated space with. I wanted to keep it simple, clean but warm and inviting. Also functional – because it is a kitchen and I love cooking.

Overall, we’re thrilled with how it came out and I’m honestly surprised we agreed on almost everything every step of the way. Looking forward to new floors in the new year and of course decorating for the upcoming holidays. Enjoy a quick tour below!

Current Skin + Hair Care

I’ve really honed in on my skin care over the past six, seven months. I’ve gone without as much makeup, so I’ve been able to tell what really makes a difference and what just takes up shelf space. I’ve also been in such a decluttering mood lately – and last night my skin care medicine cabinet was on the list.

Below are just some of my favorites as we head into the dryer months.

Artis Brushes – these brushes are AMAZING. Nothing soaks into these, so your product is really absorbed by your skin, the brush is so soft and gentle and they’re easy to clean. I use the larger one with a handle for my tinted moisturizer/foundation, the smaller one for concealer and the little one without the handle for applying my moisturizers. I got my set at Nordstrom, but the Artis site is running a promo saving you up to 25% off! 

La Mer Masks – these are pricey but worth every cent. They’re like a little facial in a pouch. I usually cleanse and exfoliate before using, then sit with one on for up to 20 minutes. Once done, I pat the extra serum into my skin and I’m hydrated, bright and firm. I use them once every other week or weekly if I’m too dry (I run oily so I don’t usually have that issue). 

CBD Rollers – I wasn’t sold on CBD until I tried this brand. I now have their 10mg gel caps for use during that time of the month, or whenever anxiety wants to try and ruin my day. The 25mg help keep me asleep (I swear I’ve never been as rested) and these rollers are great for day or night use. I usually use the day time one during that time of month on my lower stomach and the night one on my pulse points before sleep. I’m overly anxious and have tried everything – coupled with therapy, CBD is a life saver for me. They offer subscriptions and discounts too so check it out. Female owned! 

Tula Skincare – I started using the Tula cleanser because I received it in a monthly subscription box. It’s one of the few things I’ve since held onto and now use every day. The smell is fantastic, it’s great for ALL skin types – – when I’m breaking out it clears me up like nothing else. All of their products are clean, affordable and smell fantastic. I also use the mask pictured above (smaller container), their blackberry scrub and brightening balm. Their face masks are great between my La Mer ones and the resurfacing pads are great to use monthly to get rid of dead skin. I cannot say enough about this brand! 

Lip Mask – this says “sleeping” mask but I’ve used it during the day too. There are scents/flavors for everyone and it works SO well. You can have the driest lips at night, put this on and wake up totally refreshed and smooth. The jars are also packed, which I love. It takes about 8 – 12 months to go through ONE of these and it comes with a cute applicator. 

Silk Scrunchies – I sleep in one of these every single night. A high, loose pony and you wake up with hair that’s not dented or tangled (mine gets so knotty when I sleep). They are also good for a lazy day bun, as they slip right out of your hair (no pulling, denting, etc). 

Ouai – I LOVE this brand (just like the ones above). Their leave in conditioner is amazing; not only does it smell great but it doesn’t weigh my hair down at all. I also use their hairspray and dry shampoo. I’m very oily naturally and usually have to wash my hair every other day – but their dry shampoo has saved me and I can now go three days between comfortably. 

Quarantine Movies

Hello and Happy Friday!

I’m finding it a little difficult to be as eager for the weekend as usual, having already worked from home all week knowing I’ll have even more free time. BUT there’s not much we can do so we might as well make the most of it. So, in part two of my new Quarantine Series: movies.

If you have’t seen the new development from Disney and Universal – they are releasing certain movies early for rent at home (you can rent them same time they are released in theater). This is like my dream come true, minus the popcorn. See a list of NEW movies you can rent below:

Currently Available: 
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and Frozen II

March 20, 2020
The Invisible Man, The Hunt, Emma

March 24, 2020
Birds of Prey, Bloodshot, Just Mercy and The Gentlemen

April 10, 2020
Trolls: World Tour

If none of those are your jam, check out some of my favorites for when I need a mood boost:




Something’s Gotta Give


Some Like it Hot

Midnight in Paris

Quarantine Reading

Hello and Happy Spring!! I had to actually look to remember that it is indeed the first day of the new season. I hope you’re all staying healthy and well and taking care of yourself during this time.

Since we all have a lot more time on our hands and are staying home (if you’re not please start), I wanted to share some good reads, movies, shows, etc to fill your time with. I wanted to start out with my favorite: books. I split my time between reading actual books (I still love the smell, and if you read you know what I mean). Whatever your method of reading, take a peek at some of my favorites below. Some are older and some are current, but there’s a little bit for everyone.

Staying In……..

Happy almost Spring everyone! I hope this finds you, your friends and family well. It’s a scary and uneasy time right now across the globe and I hope you’re all doing what you can and should do to remain healthy and safe.

I’ve been working from home since the end of last week. We went out to dinner Saturday night (straight there and back) and to get food Sunday, but otherwise we’ve been pretty much within these four walls. I think I’ve felt every emotion possible within these last few days. From sadness, worry, fear, anxiety and even happiness here and there. I cannot imagine what it’s like for anyone who has had to go without pay or work during this time, or for the parents out there who are also home schooling AND working. So I know that I have it very mild when compared to a lot of other’s situations, and am trying to focus on those positives to keep me going.

Right now, my daily schedule looks 1,000% different than it did a week ago. This being my fourth work day into this, I’ve kind of adjusted it so that I get enough breaks to accommodate my varying degrees of mental health. I’ve found that taking actual breaks, getting up and away to do things for ME is what helps me stay more positive day to day. I wanted to share my current schedule with you, in the event you find it helpful if you’re not used to working from home, let alone amidst a crisis.

7:30a – Make bed, brush teeth. Log on/browse email
7:45a – Wash face, lemon water and back to work
8:30a –  Break for breakfast and coffee (usually two eggs of some sort)
8:45a – 12p – Work (emails, overdue projects I had no time for, meetings)
12p – 1p – Lunch/Move – this is where I workout for at least 45 min via Obe or YouTube
1p – Grab food and go back to work
2:30p – Break. Stretch, Shower, Catch up with B
3:00p – 4:30p – Work continued
4:30p – Meditate (via YouTube – look up Guided Meditations)
4:45p – 5:30p – Work (last emails, to do list for tomorrow)
5:30p – Walk with B
6:30p – Dinner
7:00p – Read, Movie, Writing, FaceTime w/Mom and Friends, Game Time (varies by day depending on mood)
10:30p – 11:00p – Bed

In addition to the above, the following are also tips/tricks and things I scatter in as time permits:
– One of my coworkers has set up a reoccurring Zoom meeting for every morning. It’s 15 minutes and totally optional. If you join, we chat about anything EXCEPT work while we finish our morning coffee. It is GREAT and really gives you some connection back to your team without it being a meeting.
– My therapist has moved to calls/video calls during this time. Since I’m at home and always by a phone, I’m able to get time with her w/in 24 hours notice if needed, so I’ve booked some afternoon calls to just check in and make sure I’m staying mentally well during this time because to be frank: it’s not always easy.
– I mention it above, but B and I get out every evening for a walk. It’s a stroll around our pretty deserted neighborhood. We catch up, look at houses for sale and enjoy the fresh air. I literally look forward to this DAILY and will for the next however many weeks.
– I get up and get dressed every day. Even if it’s just to get out of PJ’s and into more lounge/workout wear. If I stay in PJ’s or what I wear to bed, I am less productive.
– Limit time spent reading news. Of any sort. I limit it to maybe 30 minutes a day just to be sure I’m staying current on what’s happening, since things change daily now (even hourly). If I read much more, I tend to get anxious and worrisome and it blows my entire day.
– Move daily. Working out helps with my anxiety in general but it’s been a life saver this week. Most online workout apps/channels are FREE so check them out and move a little. I use Obe but have noticed Peloton is offering free workouts as are several others.
– Lastly – limit your time out and about. Even if you’re young and healthy, you could infect someone who isn’t. Even if you have no symptoms. Just be smart, use the resources the internet has given us (thankfully) and stay home.

January Top 10

Happy 2020! I hope everyone had a great holiday season and New Year (thus far)!

I wanted to share some of my favorite things I’ve purchased over the past few months that I’m also loving. In the event these short, cold days have you down, treat yourself to something new 🙂

(From upper left)

FP Top This top is SO cute. I held off on getting it for a while then found it at my local Nordstrom. It is oversized for sure – I am a medium in FP and went down to a small here. It goes so well with leather leggings or black jeans.

Bum Bum Cream This lotion reminds me of summer AND firms skin. Win/win this time of year.

Workout Tank These are light, not form fitting and perfect for almost any workout. I’ll wear them to Barre or cardio any day! I got the light pink, berry and black (shown above) and think they’re pretty true to size.

Band Tee I was eyeing this for a while too (I’ve really stopped impulse shopping) and finally got it and wear it under everything; blazers, cardigans, etc. It’s slightly over-sized, not see thru and is SO soft. I also love that it’s Nirvana vs. the Beatles or Stones – – nothing against them but Grunge all day every day for sure

Vacuum This is maybe our best buy of 2019. This vacuum is a game changer. It picks up everything, senses the floor type (wood, carpet and tile) and is light and cordless. Honestly, I like to vacuum now because it’s so easy. If you need a new vacuum, get this. It’s pricey but you will not regret it.

Tennies I like everyone else (basic b*tch here) have been obsessed with this sneaker trend. Not enough to buy GG’s but enough to add these to my little collection. They’re a fraction of the price of the GG’s, are well made and fit SO true to size. I wear them at least once a week to the office with jeans and out on weekends with lettings or faux leather and a top if we’re going out.

Pillow This pillow was too cute for me not to get – and I got it on a super holiday sale (win/win). It’s designed well and added some dimension to our bed (I have a lot of white and blush – so I love the depth this adds).

Lamps: our lamps were old – like 10 years or more so I found these and LOVE them. They change the room up just enough and came in a set of two WITH shades.

Eye Balm I finally tried this eye balm and like the rest of the Tula line, it’s amazing. I put it on without makeup for a pick me up, OR over makeup as a highlighter to brighten everything up a bit.

Ritual Vitamins I have never been one to take vitamins outside of the chewable Flinstone vitamins we took as children. I saw this on a podcast (everyone is hawking them, I swear) so I decided to subscribe and honestly, I’m hooked. My biggest issue with vitamins was that I cannot take them on an empty stomach – so in the morning I would take birth control then have to wait to take my vitamin after I ate. Therefore forgetting it all together. I can easily take these w/out food, they have everything we need and are tailored to women. They also have a prenatal for when that time comes to make it uber easy.

Gift Guide: Guys

Buying for the men in my life is always hard. Or at least more difficult than buying for my mom or girlfriends. Here are some ideas for your brother, boyfriend/husband, father, grandfather………….hopefully this covers them all!!

mens gift guide
(from upper left)
Scarf – everyone needs a cozy, decent looking scarf. Upgrade his
Slippers – cozy, comfortable and everyone loves a good slip
Watch Box – men love watches, so help him show his off in an organized way
Sweater – easy, soft, crew neck that he can wear every week
Lip Balm – everyone needs chapstick; this is masculine enough that he’ll use it
Wallet – Slim wallet, 100% leather and multiple colors
Death Star Glasses – fun, but still sleek so you won’t hate them either
Speaker – retro looking bluetooth speaker he’ll want to set out
Shaving Kit – all men are obsessed with shaving. you could easily just get this for all the men in your life and be done!
Hydroflask – keeps ice frozen in a hot car on a 90 degree day. Enough said.